21st Century Breakdowns: The Real Crises We Face In Retirement

Picture: Flickr   However old or young we are, we all have concerns about what the future holds. As we progress through our twenties, it’s something that you have a cursory thought towards, but when you steadily advance through your 30s, and have families and life commitments, before you know it, you are over the […]

Get The Cutest Wardrobe For Your Newborn

  Are you all ready for your bundle of joy to arrive? One of the things that nesting parents love to do the most is buy plenty of baby clothes so that their newborn has plenty to wear once they get here. If you’re a brand new parent, you might be scratching your head and […]

Tips for Maintaing Good Relations With Your Parents Throughout Life

As you get older and reach middle age, the relationships you have with your parents and parents-in-law inevitably change. You have to be willing to accept that fact if you’re going to maintain the best and most healthy relationships with your parents. There is no point trying to carry on as if things are the […]

Bad Habits We Can Fall Into as Parents- And How to Avoid Them!

Becoming a parent is one of the most challenging yet incredible jobs in the world. There’s no training, there’s plenty of conflicting advice and in all honesty, none of us really know what we’re doing. All we know is we’re doing our very best to raise happy and healthy kids. We’re only human and will […]

8 Tips For Surviving an Active Shooter Situation In Your School or Workplace

First off I want to say that first and foremost my thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and families of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.  I cannot possibly imagine what they are going through.  Over the last couple of days, I’ve found myself thinking of the kids […]

7 Tips To Help You Refocus That “Mom Brain”

Moms know that “mom” brain is….that time of the morning when you are rushing to get your kids around to school and you leave the house without even thinking of yourself.  Your hair is awry, you may or may not still be in your pajamas and low and behold, at times you may have even […]

10 Product Recalls That You Should Know About

Products & foods are frequently recalled for a variety of reasons. It could be that injuries or illnesses have been reported by consumers, or that the United States government has found a defect or some misrepresentation on the part of the manufacturer. Whatever the reason, the company has to make it right with consumers. Sometimes […]

Sunshineand RollerCoasters