4 Major Benefits to Have an App for Your Business

It’s estimated that around 50% to 60% of smart phone users make purchases online. In fact, it seems that the smartphone is being used for groceries, clothing, and even booking major vacations. With that said, mobile users are also going to websites, so businesses need to ensure that their website is mobile-friendly. On top of that, one major trend is occurring, and that’s having an app. Sure, some folks believe that having an app for your eCommerce business might not be necessary, but Gen Z likes to think otherwise. It’s becoming the norm, and maybe you should jump on the bandwagon too. So, here are some major benefits of having an app for your business. 

Personalized Experience

A branded app provides the opportunity to provide personalized experiences for your customers. As a result, they are more likely to be loyal to your business. Personalization is no longer a nice-to-have feature; it’s a necessity in today’s competitive marketplace. It’s the fastest way to build loyalty with your customers. Customers expect businesses to know them, and they are frustrated when companies fail to deliver personalized experiences.  While it depends on the ecommerce app development company you use, you can expect that you’ll be able to access more customer data than a regular website could. 

Easy Access to Information

Not only for you but for your customers too. A business app provides easy access to important information for customers and employees. If an app is designed well, it can even include a chat function for customer service and sales executives to easily communicate with users. It’s no secret that people today value time and a streamlined experience. If your app can save your customer or client time, they will be incredibly thankful. 

While chatbots and easy contact info are a couple of nice things, this isn’t all. You’re able to market to them easier, such as utilizing notifications directly from the app (which will show up on their phone’s home screen) rather than a newsletter that will go directly in the trash. 

You Can Count on More Sales

While there’s a lot to consider for your business, you can’t deny that you need sales. If your business is one that requires interaction with customers (such as retail, restaurant, or spa services), an app can increase sales by providing a direct and instant connection. The ability to connect with a company through an app also helps build loyalty and reduces customer dissatisfaction. As mentioned above, there’s push notification marketing (regardless of your business). 

But that’s not all. If you have an eCommerce, people might get bored and play with their phones. Eventually, this means they’ll go through their apps, including yours. They’ll browse and then eventually shop. Having an app is an easier way to bridge the gap of using your website as entertainment. 

Higher Chance of Customer Loyalty

At the end of the day, it’s really about getting loyalty from customers. Depending on the industry, it can be a great way to connect with customers instantly. Most apps have buttons that allow customers to reach out to the company or their employees for help. Customers don’t want bots; they want answers, and they want help immediately. Sometimes, an app can do exactly that.  Showing this effort can help push them to show loyalty towards you.