Five Tips For Introducing A New Dog In Your Home

It’s always exciting when life events like this happen. The anticipation of having a new household member in the home is one that will forever be remembered by those in your family, so it’s important to be prepared.

When introducing a new dog into your home, it’s important that all the boxes are checked and that you’ve prepared the household for the new arrival. Here are five tips for introducing a new dog in your home.

Make sure it’s the right dog for your household

First and foremost, make sure that the dog is the right fit for your household. After all, you don’t want to end up with a dog that’s not the right breed because they’re either too active for your household, for example, or they’re a big breed for the little ones in your home.

Just as much as you have to match the dog, the dog will need to be happy with you and your household. Make sure you’ve done the research to check what dog breeds are suitable and if you’ve got your heart set on one in particular, then it’s good to ensure that it’s a dog breed that’s fit for your family and lifestyle of the family household.

Find a trainer

A trainer is an important part of introducing a new dog to the home, especially when you have little ones, existing pets or it’s your first time having a dog in the home. If you’re getting a puppy, then puppy training Boise locally is a good investment to make.

With puppy training, it helps you prep the home and yourself for dealing with the chaos that often comes with having a puppy.

Dog-proof the home

Dog-proofing the home is essential, especially when it comes to having a dog for the first time. Just like babies and children, the home can be a dangerous environment and with puppies being keen explorers, they’ll be looking all over the place for opportunities to cause damage and to pick up things they shouldn’t have.

Prepare the rest of the household

Look at how you can prep the household so that they’re ready for a dog. You’ll likely want to establish a routine, as well as any rules that you think personally should be in place. For example, you might not want the dog jumping up onto furniture. That’s something to consider when having a dog.

Take the dog for a walk before going indoors

Finally, make sure to take the dog for a walk before you go indoors for the first time. Chances are, the dog may have traveled some distance from the location you picked them up to your property. That means they’ll want to do their business and get a good feel of the place locally before entering the home.

Introducing a new dog to the home is exciting but don’t let that excitement run away from you. Do everything properly to ensure a smooth and hassle-free transition for this new member of the family.