Side Hustles for the New Year

Looking for a fun and easy way to earn extra money in 2024. I’ve got some great side hustles are tried and true. I actually do all of these and it really does help with the bills.

1. Earn money doing focus groups and surveys with User Interviews.

2. Collect rent on virtual real estate with Atlas Earth.

3. Get cash back on gas and food with Upside. I earned over $100 back last year just by using upside when I buy gas. And, that is from a stay at home mom that only goes out of the house a couple of times a week.

4. Focus on your weight loss journey and make bets on yourself. There are several options for this, but so far my favorite is Way Better because they put a good deal of focus on your mind and not just diet and exercise. I know what I need to do, but doing it is where I fall down.  Sit starting Way Better last month, I’ve already won 4 of my games and made over $40.

5. Create a Mavely shop and get paid just for sharing deals on your existing social media pages.

6. Write books and publish on Amazon. I currently have 4 books published and will be working on more throughout the New Year. I love doing rhyming children’s books because I’ve always loved reading them to my kids and they are so much fun to write. Plus, my kids have fun giving me creative ideas for developement. Not sure how to get started, contact me at Sunny Daze Publishing and I can help you get started.

7. Create digital or handmade items to sell on Etsy.  I use Etsy to sell my books as well as planners, stickers, and other fun things.

8.  Play games with apps such as MistPlay and Tyr.

9.  Get paid for walking and driving with Miles.