7 Ways to Go Green With Home Improvements

With the rise in energy prices, more people are looking for eco-friendly homes than ever before. Buyers are far more energy conscious and want to use clean energy while keeping bills to a minimum. Fortunately there are many ways to go green with home improvements that can also add value to your property. Here are some of the best home improvements to reduce your carbon footprint.


Up to 40% of a home’s heat loss can be down to poor insulation. If you’re looking for ways to keep the heat in during the colder months so you don’t have to spend so much on heating your home, insulation is the first thing to look at. Do you need more insulation in your home?

Does your home need to be re-insulated? It’s worth asking a professional to check your home for any insulation gaps so the heat can’t escape when you need it most.

Windows and Doors

Another common way to lose heat in the home is through windows and doors. Older windows and doors can have draughts that take the heat out of the home and replace it with cold air. If you feel noticeably colder when next to your windows and doors, it could mean that they need to be replaced. 

Window renewal by Anderson home windows is a great way to diminish the draughts and add value to your property. Adding double or triple glazed windows to your home will ensure as much of the heat as possible stays inside.

Solar Panels

Solar panels work to convert sunlight into electricity. There are many government incentives for purchasing solar panels for your property so you may find discounts or payment plans available to you. They will still generate power on cloudy days so direct sunlight isn’t required.

Some homeowners find they can cover their electricity needs entirely with solar power or pay very little for additional electricity. Any power that isn’t used can be sold to power companies so they have more clean energy to offer their customers.

Ground Source Heat Pumps

Did you know that you can source heat from the ground? If you’re looking for environmentally friendly options for heating your home, this is a great choice. It’s especially good for homeowners with a large garden.

Pipes are laid under the earth to extract heat and send it directly to your home. The only downside to a ground source heating system is you’ll need to be prepared for the disruption this can cause as your garden will need to be dug up to bury the pipes.

Eco-Friendly Paint

When you own a home, you can never get away from the need to paint. Whether it’s indoors or outdoors, a fresh paint job can make your property look far more attractive. If you’re hoping to sell your property in the future, keeping up with paintwork is essential.

Fortunately, there are many eco-friendly options for paint these days. Eco-paints are often made with plant oil and infused with pigments from minerals or plant dyes.

Smart Meters

A smart meter isn’t just a good way of keeping track of your energy costs. Having a smart meter will also allow you more control over your heating and spending. For instance, if you use an app with your smart meter, you can control the temperature in each room. So if the whole family is sitting in the living room, you can switch off the heating in the other rooms in your home.

You can also control the temperature and turn the heating off or on using your phone. All of this will help you to avoid using energy when you don’t really need to.

Collect Rainwater

Most households typically waste water. However, you could potentially collect thousands of liters of water to change that. A rain harvesting system could be used to flush your toilet, wash your clothes, water your grass, and much more.

This helps to ensure you aren’t wasting more water than necessary and you aren’t paying high bills because you’ll be recycling collected rainwater. Pair this with slow flowing showers and low flush toilets and you can cut your water use dramatically. You won’t have to think about shorter showers or avoiding long, hot baths.

If you’re going to invest in your property, make sure to spend money on things that will stand the test of time. If you’ve found this article helpful, take a look at the others.