Could Someone You Know Have An Addiction Problem?

Could somebody you know have an addiction problem? The chances are high, as statistics indicate that over 21 million people in the US are addicted to at least one type of substance. 

So, never assume the people you know in your life are free from addiction. It could be somebody in your workplace or who is part of your friendship group. It could even be somebody within your own family.

If you do know somebody struggling in such a way, don’t be judgmental. Remember that we can all be guilty of self-sabotage, so be somebody who supports and cares. Understand the signs and do something to help the person who is affected, as you might just save their life if you do.

Look out for the physical signs of addiction

The signs of addiction are wide and many, but it is the physical signs that are often the most noticeable. These can include abrupt weight changes, unexplained injuries, glazed eyes, and, in the case of drug use, track marks on the skin. Then there are the symptoms of withdrawal that can include trembling, sweating, and vomiting. These signs can also be attributed to a range of health problems of course but when taken with the other signs discussed below, they could point to some kind of substance addiction.

Look out for behavioral changes

Mental and emotional changes can sometimes indicate an addiction problem, and if you’re close to the person, you should be able to recognize these. Aggressive behavior can be an indicator, and so can depression, irritability, and apathy. Again, there could be other reasons for such behaviors outside of addiction, but taken with the physical signs mentioned above, you might want to consider the possibility of an addiction problem. This is especially true when the person you know starts to act in ways that aren’t typical of their usual behavior. 

Other signs to look out for

Warning bells should ring when the person asks for money without telling you what it is for. You should also have cause for concern if they lie about where they have been, and if they stop paying attention to their hygiene and what they wear. These signs aren’t always indicative of an addiction problem but when placed alongside the other signs we have mentioned, you will have reason to worry.

Supporting the person with an addiction problem

If you can determine that somebody does have an addiction problem, do what you can to support them. You can do this by talking to them in the first instance and by letting them know you aren’t coming from a place of judgment.  Point them to the American Addiction Centers reviews online and encourage them to seek the treatment they need. If they refuse help, you could stage an intervention with a support network of people the person knows. Hopefully, they will then have the motivation to get treatment. Speak to a professional for more advice if they are still reluctant to do so, and continue to show the person that you care for them.

Remember, there are lots of different types of recovery treatment options available. For instance, you might want to encourage your loved one to explore addiction recovery workshops that they can join online. This is a treatment option that is easy to fit into any personal schedule or around various commitments. 


If you know somebody with an addiction problem, don’t ignore the issue. Step up and help, as you could be the person who saves their life. Be alert to the people around you then, and continue your research online for more advice on what you could do to help somebody with an addiction.