Finally Shed That Muffin Top

This type of unwanted belly is often caused by stress. Stress releases a hormone in your body called cortisol. Missing meals can also cause the release of this hormone and that’s why everyone feels stressed or moody when they’re hungry. Here are a few tips on how to eat better, and get some exercise to help you finally shed that muffin top without starving yourself. 


Fiber is key here. You will immediately de-bloat and feel the benefits. Foods that contain a lot of fiber include fruits, vegetables, nuts, and oatmeal. It’s also important to eat regularly to help your metabolism. Eat every three to four hours to avoid snacking and your stress hormones building up. Stock up your kitchen fresh with new ideas so you can still enjoy a balanced diet without resorting to the same boring meals. Here are some great high fiber recipes for you to try. 

Reduce your carb and calorie intake. Eat more proteins instead. This means ditch white bread, pasta, and pastries. Swap these for healthy grains and pulses, or wholemeal options. Try to burn off the calories you eat by exercising. It might be worth keeping track of these or speaking to a nutritionist. Alternatively, there are several dieting apps you can try which have been proven to be as effective.  


The main thing you want to focus on with burning belly fat is strengthening your core. Take up Pilates or follow videos online for core-based exercises. These can involve things like planks and pelvic tilts. There are many workout videos available online. Combine this with plenty of cardio. Do aerobics routines, in class or at home using videos. If you like running why not set yourself a goal like a half-marathon? This will help you to stay motivated. It’s important to try and up your calorie burn significantly so try to get in vigorous cardio about five times a week. This will not only get rid of your tummy but keep you feeling fit and energized. 


There are many treatments you can get that can help you recover from the negative side effects of a little extra weight gain. If you’re still left with issues like varicose veins, you could do a bit of research online for the best vein removal treatments. If diet and exercise just didn’t cut it there are some reliable and non-invasive options available. You could opt for laser fat removal which is a quick, easy and effective procedure. Alternatively, cool sculpting uses cold temperatures to attack the fat cells. Neither involves surgery and you can have them done in your lunch break, and be back in the office in the afternoon. 


Your sleep routine is just as important as diet or exercise. Without enough sleep your body can’t cope with the stress and lack of sleep is a proven cause of weight gain. Sleep deprivation can even increase your appetite. Try to get at least seven hours a night and keep your bedtime and waking up time regular.