The Science of Fashion – How Clothing Makes Us Feel

When it comes to our clothing choices, what we wear says a lot about our personality, and how others perceive us. While we may believe the weather determines what outfit we put on for the day ahead, you may be surprised to hear that your mood can directly impact the clothing you pick. Similarly, your favorite outfits can affect how you feel too.

Here are some of the feelings and thoughts your clothing can make you feel, which can transform the way you view yourself.

Boosts Your Self-Esteem

The outfits you wear can have a significant effect on your confidence and self-esteem. When you throw on clothing that perfectly fits your body, this can make you feel beautiful and radiant both on the inside and outside. Whether you’re wearing a fitted dress for a social event or a trendy blouse for a first date, your clothing can generate body positivity and help you feel more comfortable in your skin. Whether you’re plus size and wear clothes from, or you’re lean or petite, clothing that fits your body type well can boost your feelings of self-worth. 

Makes You Feel Smarter

Although what you have in your wardrobe won’t directly boost your IQ, certain style choices can alter the way you think, which may result in you feeling more quick-witted and intelligent. Throwing on formal clothes can help you think more abstractly and make more thoughtful and informed decisions. What’s more, when you wear smart clothes, this can change how others think of you. For instance, you would never rock up to a job interview in a pair of baggy jeans and trainers, but wearing something smart can create an excellent first impression and give you a confidence boost. 

Gives You More Focus

Like with feeling smarter, what you wear can increase productivity and help you concentrate better. If you have an endless list of tasks to complete, wearing the appropriate attire can boost productivity and efficiency. For those who work from home, while it may sound appealing to stay in your pajamas all day, getting into something smart/casual can really enhance your focus. 

Makes You Feel Powerful

If you choose bold colors like black or red, they can make you feel powerful and in control. Picking a style that exudes professionalism, like a dress or business blazer, can help you create a powerful statement, letting others know that you’re in charge. 

More Motivation 

We all know how important regular exercise is for our health and wellbeing, so if you’re looking to work out at the gym, investing in the right clothing can help you reach your goals. Kitting out your wardrobe with gym attire and wearing items that give you confidence and provide comfort will help you on your fitness journey. 

As well as the above, the style, shapes and colors of your outfits can affect your actions and feelings throughout the day. Whatever occasion is on the agenda, what you wear can make you not only look good, but feel fantastic on the inside too.