7 Self-Care Ideas For When You’re Having a Bad Day

7 Self-Care Ideas For When You're Having a Bad Day

No matter how good life can get, we all have bad days from time to time.   Perhaps we just having one of those “blue” days where we feel bad for no apparent reason or because life just happened, it’s simply natural to feel negatively from time to time.    I tend to have a lot of bad days because I deal with both anxiety and depression and then when my kids are behaving badly it only adds fuel to the fire.  

If you’re currently having a bad day, there’s no better way to feel better than by practicing self-care. Instead of the usual, you may want to try doing a few things differently today, and here are a few ideas you’ll love doing when you’re having a not-so-great day that are guaranteed to lift your mood!

One of the most surefire ways to get an instant dose of dopamine is by doing something nice for someone else. This can look anything like baking something for that friend who has been having a terrible year, volunteering for a day at a charity, or simply lending a hand to a stranger.

Do something nice for someone else

One of the most surefire ways to get an instant dose of dopamine is by doing something nice for someone else. This can look anything like baking something for that friend who has been having a terrible year, volunteering for a day at a charity, or simply lending a hand to a stranger.   Just remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re currently undergoing a stressful period of your life where you barely even have time to look after yourself, chances are lending out your time isn’t the best of ideas. If you’re having financial issues, it’s probably not a great idea to give money away. Make sure you understand that giving doesn’t equal people-pleasing.

Declutter your space (or just a space)

Decluttering may not sound like a super fun activity, but it can actually be a pretty therapeutic one that will have a wonderful effect in the long run!

Clearing things you no longer need or use away will reduce your stress levels, making cleaning infinitely easier, and help you feel more at peace in the place you live in. Even if you don’t have much time, play your favorite tunes, and make it an aim of yours to declutter at least a space in your house – be it a kitchen cabinet, a drawer, or your dresser.  We will talk more about decluttering over the next few months, but I have found decluttering and knocking things off your to-do list is a great way to improve the way you feel.  

Get moving

Exercising isn’t just a wonderful thing to do for your physical health, but it can also have wonderful instant effects on your mood by increasing your dopamine levels and decreasing stress. Plus, it’s also a great way to “let out” certain feelings that may be the culprits of why you’re having a bad day in the first place. 

Be it by going out for a run, hitting the gym, or turning up a few at-home Youtube workouts, try moving for at least 20 minutes and you’ll notice the instant effect that will have on your mood!

Make plans with the people you love

One of the most effective ways to instantly feel better is by calling up a friend or family member you love and trust.

Depending on your personality type, being social when you’re having a rough time can seem like the last thing you want to do, but the simple acts of dressing up, leaving the house, and getting distracted will help you kick those negative feelings right to the curb.  I don’t do this enough, but it is amazing when it happens.    

Do something you loved doing as a kid

Think back to that time when you didn’t have bills to worry about, relationships to nurture, and work to take care of.  What activities did you enjoy doing to simply pass the time? Was it building a fort? Playing a certain video game? Watching a specific show?

Re-adopting hobbies and activities we loved doing as a kid is a great way to remind yourself of who you truly are, so don’t be afraid to look up your favorite Nickelodeon show on the internet and binge-watch it or build a fort for yourself in the living room!

Write down your feelings

Chances are the reason you’re having a bad day is due to certain feelings or a situation that is messing up with your emotions.

Sometimes, writing exactly what you’re feeling without filtering anything out is the ultimate way to make yourself feel better. This can look like writing things down on paper or actually heading to a forum to ask for advice!

Plus, when you write things down, you’ll also be better able to understand exactly what you’re feeling as well as the reasons behind it, which will ultimately help you process and be better able to approach the situation.

Record yourself

If you’re not too fond of writing or you tried writing and it didn’t do anything for you, you can also try recording yourself and talking about the situation and how it’s making you feel.

By verbalizing what is going on, you’ll also be able to better understand what’s going on. Moreover, it really helps to watch your own video later, as you may be able to notice certain expressions and movements you make when you said specific things – this can help you better identify emotions you may not be aware of.

What are other activities you like to do when you’re feeling down? I’d love to know if you have any other mood-lifting ideas to try, so let me know all about them in the comment section below!