School is in Session… Now What

School is in Session… Now What You shopped for supplies. Now, it’s time to wake your children up early each morning and send them off to the classroom. But, that doesn’t mean leaving all the work to their teachers. Here are a few things to consider doing, once school starts, to help ensure your kids […]

20 Easy School Lunch Ideas

While school may have already started back for some of you, we are planning to go back in mid-August. Not only am I buying school supplies and uniforms, but I’m also meal planning for school lunches. My kids like pb&j and Lunchables sometimes, but they like a little variety. If your kids are the same, […]

3 Ways To Help Your Child Concentrate At School

Your child’s education is so important because it will open up so many opportunities for them in later life. If they don’t do well in school, they might struggle with finding jobs and living on their own when they get older. That’s why you need to do everything that you can to make sure they’re […]

3 Health Problems Your Child Is Likely To Have

Every parent spends most of their time worrying about their kids health and trying to do whatever they can to make sure they don’t get sick. There are some things that you can do to reduce the chance of them getting ill, but the truth is, it’s going to happen at some point. Your children […]

The Battle That Is Entertaining Your Teenager

Photo Credit Once upon a time, all you needed to do to entertain your little ones was give them a pot, a pan and two wooden spoons. The hours would pass by with just a light din to put up with. But the moment your little ones grow into teenagers, they morph into the toughest […]

4 Secrets To Keep Your Kids Safe From Sickness

Taking care of a sick child is far from fun. It completely breaks your heart to see your little one so under the weather, and that, coupled with days off work and sleepless nights, can leave you feeling emotional and completely miserable. Unfortunately, that’s just part and parcel of being a parent, right? Well, not […]

Beach Sensory Bin – Fun Sensory Play For Everyone

What is a sensory bin?  A sensory bin is a simple container filled with a preferred filler that kids can use for sensory play.  Our favorite fillers include play sand, birdseed, rice and water!   The container should be large enough to let your child explore without moving the filler out of the container.  A […]

Sunshineand RollerCoasters