How To Keep Your House Clean With Pets

There are several pet lovers in the US, with research revealing that 86.9 million homes have at least one. Indeed, having pets can bring immense joy and companionship; however, what seems to fall under the radar is the work they come with. Your furry companions shed a lot, and juggling their care while maintaining a clean home can be an uphill battle. It takes mastery to strike a perfect balance between a clean home and happy pets. Below are some helpful tips to help you achieve this.

  • Adopt a pet-friendly cleaning routine

A cleaning routine helps prevent your home from getting messy. Daily tasks like sweeping, vacuuming pet hair, and wiping muddy paw prints from the floor after walks are necessary. If you have pets, cleaning their litter boxes as often as possible will be important to keep your home in excellent sanitary condition. You can allocate a specific day of the week or time to clean and disinfect your home. The latter is important because it helps eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms that pets usually harbor. You might be tempted to use the strongest cleaning products to disinfect your home or the litter box, but caution is crucial to prevent your pets from ingesting any harmful chemicals in your quest to maintain a spotless home. For this reason, pet-friendly cleaning products are advisable and highly recommended. While adopting a pet-friendly cleaning routine, remember that consistency is key, as doing that helps you maintain a clean home while enjoying your pet.

  • Designate pet zones

A well-trained pet easily recognizes their designated areas in the home. These places in your house are primarily set aside to confine messes and make keeping a close eye on your pets’ movements easier. For example, your pets’ beds, feeding areas, and toys must be kept in specific areas of the house with less traffic. They must also be kept away from expensive furniture as the cost of repairs or replacement can be hefty. Another thing worth noting is the materials used in these designated pet areas. You will find it easier to keep your home neat when materials in these places are easy-to-clean and resistant to permanent stains. Having that in place will also help you manage pet accidents effectively without spreading to other parts of the house. Indeed, some pets are incredibly active and require more measures to keep your house clean. However, it will be a walk in the park when you get a hang of it.

  • Never put off cleaning

As a pet owner, putting off or overlooking regular cleaning could eventually negatively affect your home, your well-being, and your pets’. Pets make a mess quickly, so the more you cast a blind eye to clear it up, the dirtier your home will be. Remember that cats and dogs trap dirt on their fur and paws when they step outside. Therefore, if you keep them as indoor pets, the likelihood of introducing outdoor microorganisms indoors is higher than you imagined. Moreover, you and your family will be at risk of avoidable ill health and much more. Understandably, you may want to put off cleaning for a few days, but that should not become a norm. A busy daily schedule can take a physical toll on your energy levels, but always keep in mind that you can rely on professional cleaners to get the job done. Choosing a company with expertise in cleaning homes with pets would be better so you can easily achieve your desired results.

  • Protect your home’s furniture and floors

Pets are known for sometimes running freely around the home, ripping sofas, scratching furniture, and making a complete mess in the home. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for this to happen to you before taking action. By being proactive, you can safeguard your prized possessions at home. First, use pet-friendly slipcovers to protect your couch and other upholstered furniture from pet hairs. It would be useful to also use area rugs and floor runners to trap dirt and debris in your home’s high-traffic areas. Your work will be easier when you invest in machine-washable covers and mats. The next thing to turn your attention to is your home’s flooring. Scratch-resistant surfaces are best for homes with pets because, without them, your floors will look worn and unattractive in no time. You often have to use positive reinforcement to make your pets aware of dirty paws. When they associate dirt with the outside, you can easily keep a clean home for long periods. As mentioned earlier, it all boils down to training.

  • Tackle pet odors naturally

Many households say pet odors are real concerns. Until you adopt the right measures to eliminate these smells, you may try different cleaning products, but to no avail. The most effective way is to use natural solutions to neutralize unpleasant pet odors in your home. For years, many pet owners have sworn by the effectiveness of baking soda and its odor-neutralizing properties. Indeed, this common kitchen ingredient is an excellent odor absorber and works effectively. Sprinkle some on pet bedding and carpets before vacuuming. Baking soda is also excellent for your cat’s litter box. Cats are sensitive to smells, and because baking soda is scentless, it makes an ideal go-to cleaning product. Another natural solution you can try is simmering citrus peels, and when the fragrance is infused in the water, you can spray it around the house. A few drops of naturally-sourced eucalyptus oils will also be perfect for eliminating pet odors from your home. It will help more if you maintain a regular ventilation schedule for your home. In other words, keep your windows open for fresh air to neutralize unwanted pet smells.

Having pets can be a joy but can also come with challenges managing them, especially when you want to keep your home tidy. Enjoying a clean home when you have pets is possible, but it will depend largely on your routine. The above tips are simple yet effective and help you easily keep your house clean while caring for your pets.