How to Protect Your Hearing

If there is one thing in life that we are lucky to have is the chance to age. Some people never get that shot, and those who don’t are the ones that are unfortunate. One of the most common things to experience if you are lucky enough to age is a loss of hearing. It’s […]

5 Of The Best Foods For Great Gut Health

Often referred to as the second brain, good gut health and bacteria (or microbiomes) are crucial to overall health and can affect both the body and brain.  The health of our gut is of paramount importance if we want to feel good, energized, and live healthy lives. Bad gut health can result in a lot […]

Habits That Will Improve Your Health & Well-Being

If you want to live a long and rewarding life, you must take good care of yourself. One way to accomplish this is to implement habits that will improve your health and well-being. The actions you take daily have a considerable impact on your life. A few positive changes will ensure that you’re on the […]

Keeping Yourself Safe As You Work From Home

Most people don’t consider jobs that involve sitting around at home to be risky. Your home will come with minimal threats to you, and this is exactly how it should be, but this doesn’t mean that you should be relaxed about protecting yourself when you’re in this position. There are loads of different issues that […]

3 Important Tips For Healthy Injury Recovery

A serious injury can turn your life upside down when you least expect it. Suddenly, you may find yourself unable to work or even do simple things that you usually take for granted, and a lot of people struggle with their mental health after sustaining an injury. The most important thing in this situation is […]

How You Can Look After Yourself Through COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis is having a massive effect on all of our lives. We have had to change several different aspects of our usual daily routine including things like homeschooling, working from home, limiting the time we spend in public and going into lockdown. Lots of changes in a short and scary time, it can […]

The Sad Truth About Our Love Affair With Social Media

Social media is arguably the most significant innovation of the last decade. When people look back on the years that ran from 2010 to 2020, they’ll chronicle the rise of Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to global dominance, and how they changed all our lives.  But social media and tech isn’t all good news. It has […]

Sleep 101: 6 Tools For Better Sleep

Just like regular exercise and a healthy diet, good night sleep is very significant. According to research, reduced sleep time has immediate destructive effects on your hormones. Poor sleep habits can also lead to weight gain and an increased risk of disease in both children as well as adults. However, there are solutions to help […]

Sunshineand RollerCoasters